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Soundscape by Møn Sommerkoncert 2024, 7. Edition.
"Young Masters: Showcase no. 1" 

Soundscape's "Young Masters" sees the participating musicians in the festival's "Masterclass & Festival Ensemble" present a specially selected solo repertoire.

Young musicians from all over the world come to Møn to work dedicatedly with classical music in an intimate collaboration through chamber music.

Each of them are convincing instrumentalists and their musicianship is to be enjoyed
both in the concerts with the Festival Ensemble and when they appear as soloists at these concerts on the "Young masters" series.

On this concert, three international soloist will perfom: violinist Ada Yucel from Turkey, akkordionist Kresimir Lulic from Croatia & cellist Sebastin Pilz from Germany.



Fanefjord Kirkevej 35, 4792 Askeby