March 2020 was the beginning of the biggest changes that our society, and thus us as humans, have ever faced. Changes which from one day to the next have changed our behavior, rights and view of each other, ourselves and the world.
Public debates with different opinions about the factual conditions we suddenly found ourselves in have been completely omitted in all important topics within politics, health and rights. Critical voices have been censored, shamed and left out of the conversations. Authorities, institutions, workplaces and educational institutions have all followed an official narrative which has completely trumped the most basic principles of democracy; that the majority must have respect for the individual.
The same thing has happened all over the world! Factually, we are now in a situation where our society is disintegrating, and the collectivist idea of exclusion of the individual's rights has become the central focal point of a political ideology which prevents us from getting information about the facts.
It is therefore our responsibility to seek factual knowledge about the changes our world is facing - because our knowledge is decisive for how we respond and accommodate them.
It is with humble pride and great joy that FBF, the Danish Freedom Movement, holds the first conference of its kind in Denmark, greatly supported by some of this time's most brave frontiers for spreading the facts, no matter the personal consequences!
2 types of ticket to the Facts Matter Conference
Facts matter Conference 2nd September - Normal Ticket DKK 1.300,-
Your ticket gives you access to the Facts matter Conference 2nd September 2023 and includes coffee/tea, water and fruit in the morning as well as lunch in the lunchbreak. Water, soda as well as coffee/tea and cake can be bought in the cafe at the venue. Doors open at 8:30 AM.
Click for full program
If you are a member of FBF you will get a DKK 400,- members discount on the Conference Ticket
Use your active FBF member number at the check-out. You find your member number on the invoice you receive monthly from FBF in your e-mail inbox. Your members number works for one ticket. It is not allowed to give your member number to a third party. See the guide on how to use your FBF member number here
If you are not a member yet, click the here. As soon as your membership has been activated, you can return to buy your ticket with the discount.
Facts matter Conference Dinner 1st September - Ticket DKK 1.200,- OUT OF STOCK
Join us at a private dinner for all the speakers,VIP’s and staff.
Dinner Ticket includes delicious buffet and holds the power of network under more private circumstances. Wine/water/beer can be bought at the cafe.
The dinner will be held at the venue.
We will only offer 15 tickets for this event. Doors open at 6:30 PM.