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Wintercamp – March 27. – 31:
The camp will be a very intensive course. Everyone is welcome. The core of the camp will have focus on the system of Master Sam Tam. The full content of the camp will be revealed only to people who contact me directly with a sincere interest in participating and/or sign up. The prices are kept low (same as back in 2020) and there will be 3 prices depending on the connection to me as follow: 

900 Euro for “ordinary” students (no connection to me before) ("Early bird" before February 15, 800 Euro) 

800 Euro for people who are already a part of exploringtaiji or exploringqigong ("Early bird" before February 15, 700 Euro) 

600 Euro for the people who both arrange workshops for me and are on exploringtaiji or exploringqigong OR are a part of the instructorprogram.

A roughly overview of the daily program will look something like this:

Teaching 10 am – 6 pm every day (unless we decide to cut a bit in the end

depending on how you feel)


10 – 12 introduction and fundamental basic
exercises/Qigong/Neigong/Standing Meditation

12 – 1 pm – Taijiform

1 – 2 pm – (Lunch) Those of you who know me, knows that I do the breaks when I find them appropriate to fit in. The same goes for small coffee breaks, etc.

2 – 3 pm – partnerstuff

4 – 6 pm – Taiji fundamentals, partnerwork, practice yourself with feedback from me, etc.

Friday – Monday 10 am – 6 pm (we probably stop around 4 on Monday, since some of you might have to catch a plane, etc.)

10 – 12 – follow-up from yesterday and questions. Fundamental basic exercises/Qigong/Neigong/Standing Meditation and more.

12 – 6 pm - Taiji fundamentals, partnerwork, practice yourself with feedback from me, etc.

Dansk Center for Taiji og Qigong
Vandtårnsvej 76, 2860 Søborg Gladsaxe