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Wonderful passengers of TNA AIRPORT...

You have been travelling and are now returning home to TNA Airport.
And we the staff of TNA are getting ready to welcome you with smiles and hugs...

What can you expect when you arrave at TNA Airport on the 30, 31. of august & 1. of september.

- Allow yourself to be touched; body, heart and soul!
A weekend of themed fun and playfulness in a safe container

The weekend will consist of an array of different offerings:
◊ Kakaw opening ceremony;
kicking off the weekend with a deeply heart opening ceremony with Mother kakaw, that will allow you to move into connection with others from a heart centered and authentic space in yourself. Bring your own cup.

◊ Workshops;
centered around consent, sensual and sexual energy, touch and connection.

◊ Dressing up;
We love dressing up!
Bring your finest outfit and join the party. Visit our mood boards for inspiration (they will be posted for each event).

◊ Temple Night;
offering you a mix of Burlesque, DJ, visuals and kinkstatic.
The Temple Night will be kicked off with a show to get the energy going.

◊ Kinks Lab;
exploring your kinks in a playful, consensual space with known and new play-stations to dive into.

◊ Play Night;
a sex-positive and safe space to play, explore and enjoy yourself more freely as part of the Temple Night.

◊ Nuru Liquid Love;
a new concept that combines the traditional liquid love concept with a dream journey and utilizes all the best from the Japanese erotic Nuru massage.

◊ Music and dance;
with DJ and Visuals - get on the dance floor and move your sexy body!

Good to know about these events:

◊ Every event is based on a theme.
Costumes and deco will be part of the event and you are invited to immerse yourself in the realm of playful fantasy allowing you to embody your choosen expression!

◊ We are a sober event
- Get high on your own supply!
Kombucha welcome drinks will be served and it will be possible to buy Kombucha during the event.

◊ There will be offered an introduction to the concept of consent and trauma-responses so everyone is better equipped to play in a safe and respectful manner.

◊ We have an Emo-team of trained professionals to support you in the best way possible during the whole weekend.

The Touch Team are looking forward to great you very soon.

Smiles and hugs from the

Link til den lukkede Facebook Power Of Touch gruppe

Hvor du kan finde alle relevante oplysninger, eller spørge hvis der er nogle ting du ønsker at have svar på

Link to the closed Facebook Power Of Touch group 
Where you can find all relevant information, or ask if there are any things you want answered

बन्दस्य फेसबुकस्य Power Of Touch समूहस्य लिङ्क् 
यत्र भवन्तः सर्वाणि प्रासंगिकानि सूचनानि प्राप्नुवन्ति, अथवा पृच्छन्तु यत् भवन्तः उत्तरं इच्छन्ति किमपि वस्तूनि सन्ति वा इति

Power Of Touch
Shetlandsgade 3, 2300 Københavns S