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Experience the story of the mighty wizard Dwarg in music and text form. Experience Dwarg's eternal battle against his arch-nemesis Kvaark, the witch Brugelda's journey to the ends of the world, and the goblin Grorb, the drunken deserter. Meet the sorceress Syblll, the barbarian Bannrod, and the blue-bearded Oracle of Queederoth.

The story unfolds through music by the dungeon synth trio Legends of Dwarg, with William Zieler as the narrator.

The performance is divided into three parts, with a special interactive chapter, "Ensomt Rejsende mod Fjerne Kyster”, in the middle. Here, the audience gets a chance to influence the course of the battle: Do we turn right or left? What do you say to backwards walking ghosts, and do you dare eat the fish swimming in the Lake of the Dead? The show is primarily in English, though the interactive game unfolds in Danish. 

Everyone is welcome, regardless of age, gender, faith, etc. – magick is for everyone! You are equally welcome whether dressed as a human or any other creature

Der spilles på dansk!
Baren er åben
Dørene åbner 30 min før start! 

Krusågade 27, kld., 1719 Kbh V