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Konpa vs kizomba

Kizomba day proudly presents this next event where we will enter the realm of konpa

Konpa- another couple dance that has been present in festivals all over, has it’s own basics, posture and steps- and even though you can easily dance kizomba to it- you definitely only gain by learning the differences not only in the music, but also the dance ❤️❤️

Anna-Maria and Stephane are prominent in the konpa (and kizomba) world and one of the best choices to get us grooving to this Haitian flavour 

In addition, Daniela will give us a class on how to use kizomba as a dance to konpa music, just by adding a few simple changes. 

As usual, we will have a dinner before the party starts, when Dj Sabura coming all the way from Lisbon will have us moving the whole night to his tunes 🔥🙏


Join us on our first kizomba day of 2025 and be part of the journey



Idrætsfabrikken 12, 1665 Kbh V