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Ellen Andersson returns to Copenhagen Jazz Festival!


Ellen Andersson - Vocal

Heine Hansen - Piano

Thomas Fonnesbæk - Bass

Jeppe Gram - Drums

Carrying a Swedish Grammy nomination, ”Jazz Album of the Year” as well as the most recent Monica Zetterlund Award, Ellen Andersson is presenting music from her first two albums, as well as her upcoming album: a vibrant, dynamic and heartfelt tribute to the legendary pianist Bill Evans and his collaborations with said Monica Zetterlund.

She has been described as two voices in one - the young and curious as well as the older, more mature - a human being with a rare artistic depth. From early on, the Danish audience embraced the Swedish vocalist and on her upcoming album, she is now collaborating with some of Denmark’s prime musicians - pianist Heine Hansen, drummer Andreas Svendsen and the internationally acclaimed bass player Thomas Fonnesbæk.

Following her debut ”I’ll Be Seeing You” in 2016, awarded with ”Newcomer of the Year” by Swedish National Radio and ”Jazz Album of the Year”, expectations were high. When ”You Should Have Told Me” was released, in the middle of a raging pandemic, she was met by lyrical critics and a devoted audience across Scandinavia.

Ellen Andersson moves seamlessly between the intimate and the munificent, and the audience at Copenhagen Jazz Festival 2023 can expect a intriguing, sententious concert experience, filled with musical integrity, playfulness and personality.


Med en svensk Grammy-nominering, "Årets jazzalbum" samt den prestigefulde Monica Zetterlund-pris, præsenterer Ellen Andersson musik fra hendes tidligere udgivelser, samt fra det kommende tredje album: en levende, dynamisk og dybtfølt hyldest til den legendariske pianist Bill Evans og hans samarbejde med Monica Zetterlund.

Ellen Andersson er blevet beskrevet som to stemmer i en – den unge og nysgerrige såvel som den ældre, mere modne – et menneske med en sjælden kunstnerisk dybde. Allerede med hendes første album, omfavnede den svenske vokalist det danske publikum, og på sit kommende album samarbejder hun nu med nogle af Danmarks førende musikere - pianisten Heine Hansen, trommeslageren Andreas Svendsen og den internationalt anerkendte bassist Thomas Fonnesbæk.

Efter hendes debut "I'll Be Seeing You" i 2016, belønnet med "Årets nye navn" af Sveriges Nationale Radio og "Årets jazzalbum", var forventningerne høje. Da ”You Should Have Told Me” udkom, midt i pandemien, blev hun mødt af rosende kritikere og et hengiven publikum i hele Skandinavien.
Ellen Andersson bevæger sig uproblematisk mellem det intime og det storladede, og publikum på Copenhagen Jazz Festival 2023 kan forvente sig en helt unik og fængslende koncertoplevelse, fyldt med musikalsk integritet, dybde og personlighed.

Svenska Gustafskyrkan
Folke Bernadottes Allé 4 , 2100 København