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We would like to welcome you to this wonderful and romantic Valentine’s special Deep Dating. Is your heart calling for a person to love and to spend great times with and explore life together?

Well, perhaps the Deep Dating – Valentine’s special might be the experience for you…

We dedicate the workshop to facilitating deep and meaningful meetings between the participants through exercises that involve touch, are funny, and might reveal something new about yourself or the opposite gender. And although we have had people getting married, we cannot promise that. However we can promise you that you will have a lot of deep meetings with other people and that you might feel touched, understood, have had fun, danced and had an unforgettable evening with other wonderful people.

This time, the theme is Valentine's Day, so we will focus on the romantic aspects of life. We look forward to seeing you there…

We will guide you through connecting exercises where all men will meet all women in a playful and meaningful way without formal one-on-one talks but joyfully guided by tantric principles. You don't need to have a former experience with tantra or dating, but just to be curious and open to sincerely meeting new people.

*There is no sexual contact or nudity in this event.

The event requires an even number of men and women with a maximum number of 22 participants all in all (11 men, 11 women).

If you register, please arrive on time, as late entrance will not be permitted.

Dress code: We invite you to dress nicely, as if for a date.

The event is in English and will be held by our tantra teachers Richard and Aditi

Tantra Temple
vadstrupvej 77, 2880 Copenhagen